The Night Stalkers

The Night Stalkers will take you on a heart-pounding tale of murder, mystery, investigation, and hopefully for your sake; survival . Players will control characters with unique abilities to investigate and trap the mysterious Night Stalker. During the game you will use your six action cards in very unique ways and utilize a communal investigation board to discover how to capture your tormentor before time runs out.







Enter a world of pure hopelessness and grief. A cabal of murderous Night Stalkers has invited the tormented characters to a final showdown. Each character has their own reason to jeopardize what little they have left in hopes of catching one of these Night Stalkers. As you set out on the horrific adventure, you will be given a multitude of choices that only you can make. You will also be working with your fellow players to progress your investigation. You will be asked to confront a particular Night Stalker in many locations to collect clues and hard evidence that will convince the authorities that the Night Stalkers exist. Only then can you lay your trap. Be cautious; these Night Stalkers could be around any corner…

Game Play

The Night Stalkers is played over many turns. During each turn, players pick one of six eligible action cards to play from a slot numbered between six and down to one. Once played, the card moves to the last slot and all other cards slide to the left. The lower numbered slots enable more actions to be taken with a single card. These action cards can become upgraded during the course of the game to help each player carry out their plan of capture. Cards and dice combine to represent your health and stamina.

The Night Stalker also incorporates a catch up mechanic that allows the players to get closer to an even playing field with their Night Stalker. As you travel from one location to the next, keep an eye on the time as the Night Stalkers become more aggressive at night. The clock’s hands will reveal the Night Stalker’s actions and adds another layer of unpredictability to your adversary.


